Monday, March 5, 2012

Meet the Mattoxs

I know that most of the people who will read this blog (more like the 3 people-my mom, mother-in-law, and Meagan) already know this information.  For those of you who somehow end up here, this is us!
I'm Lauren...I'm an elementary school teacher, a cook, a wife, and other things that you will learn.  I love to travel, cook, shop, read, and visit with friends.  As of now, I apparently enjoy blogging.  I am also a pretty good rollerblader.

The stud sitting beside my is my husband, Jonathan.  He is an engineer (more power to him).  Jonathan likes to backpack, build things, and collect machinery.

I guess opposites do attract. 

Anyway, I want to use this blog to keep up with all of the memorable things we do, the lessons we learn, and of course...the food we try!

Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you chose a picture where you are looking so classy and Mr. Mattox is wearing a t-shirt. :P
